AUDatePicker 是一个日期选择控件,本质是一个弹窗。



     * Instantiates a new Date picker.
     * @param activity the activity
     * @param mode     the mode
    public AUDatePicker(Activity activity, @Mode int mode)

     * 设置日期范围
     * @param startYear the start year
     * @param endYear   the end year
    public void setRange(int startYear, int endYear)

     * 选中指定的年月日
     * @param year  the year
     * @param month the month
     * @param day   the day
    public void setSelectedItem(int year, int month, int day) 

     * 选中指定的日期
     * @param yearOrMonth the year or month
     * @param monthOrDay  the month or day
    public void setSelectedItem(int yearOrMonth, int monthOrDay)

     * 设置日期选中的监听
     * @param listener the listener
    public void setOnDatePickListener(OnDatePickListener listener) {
        this.onDatePickListener = listener;

     * The interface on year month day pick listener.
    public interface OnYearMonthDayPickListener extends OnDatePickListener {

         * On date picked.
         * @param year  the year
         * @param month the month
         * @param day   the day
        void onDatePicked(String year, String month, String day);


     * The interface On year month pick listener.
    public interface OnYearMonthPickListener extends OnDatePickListener {

         * On date picked.
         * @param year  the year
         * @param month the month
        void onDatePicked(String year, String month);


     * The interface On month day pick listener.
    public interface OnMonthDayPickListener extends OnDatePickListener {

         * On date picked.
         * @param month the month
         * @param day   the day
        void onDatePicked(String month, String day);



无自定义属性,不支持 XML 布局文件。


AUDatePicker datePicker = new AUDatePicker(DatePickActivity.this,AUDatePicker.YEAR_MONTH_DAY);
                datePicker.setOnDatePickListener(new AUDatePicker.OnYearMonthDayPickListener() {
                    public void onDatePicked(String year, String month, String day) {
                        Toast.makeText(DatePickActivity.this,year + "-" + month + "-" + day,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

内嵌页面的 AUDatePicker 的使用:

AUDatePicker picker = new AUDatePicker(this);;
        View view = picker.getOutterView();
        LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
        if(view != null) {
            ((ViewGroup) view.getParent()).removeAllViews();

如有疑问,请搜索群号 41708565 加入钉钉群联系技术支持人员获取帮助。